Featured Posts are one of the posts elements on the home page. They are those posts that appear in the slider.

  1. From the theme customizer, go to ‘Posts‘ -> ‘Featured Posts
  2. Set the available options needed
  3. Click ‘Publish’ to save

Available Settings

The following settings are available:

Number of posts

This sets the maximum number of posts to show in the featured posts (slider) on the home page. Set to 0 to disable the featured posts element.

Post type

The post type setting is used to indicate the post type whose posts should appear in the featured posts element on the home page.

For any post type that is chosen, a ‘Add to Featured Posts‘ setting appears in the ‘Featured’ meta box on the edit screen of that particular post type.

More link text

This sets the text to use for the read more link for all posts of the fearured posts element.